Saturday, April 9, 2016

Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics

Chris Grabenstein, Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics. Random House, 2016.

I've just finished the sequel to Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library called  Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics. Lots of people all over the US Thought they could do better than team Kyle, so Mr. Lemoncello declared a rematch. Each region (Midwest, Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Southwest, and Pacific) held contests and training courses and finally selected their four competitors. After Kyle, one of the Hometown Heroes, watched videos of the other competitors he started to feel queasy about the upcoming library Olympics. When the Olympics come, the Hometown Heroes start getting caught in ties with the Midwest team. After a close competition and a squirrel book mystery, one of the teams wins!

I loved this book especially the fast pace of it, and it's one of the best sequels I've read.

If you liked the first book in the series, then you need to read this. It isn't as much of a mystery as the first book, so you shouldn't read it if you want a big mystery.

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